Monday, May 13, 2019

only one Ruler

Gideon said to them, “I will not rule over you, and my son will not rule over you; the Lord will rule over you.”
Judges 8:23

After God used Gideon’s faithful obedience to lead Israel in the defeat of Mideonite oppressors, the nation turned to Gideon with an offer to make him king and install his family as a dynasty. But Gideon would not be tempted by the offer for even one moment. He knew Israel already had a Ruler. He pointed them back to recognizing the LORD as their only King.

Gideon worshiped God first. And he saw in Israel’s request a dangerous beginning of a kind of idolatry. He short-circuited it by reminding them the LORD is already their King. He was all they needed. They did not need a human king. God ruled perfectly.

When I see Gideon’s love for God override any love for self, fame, and power, I am forced to examine my own heart. Human acclaim is a subtle temptation. The power and the pride it builds are very alluring, especially when mixed with “sanctifying” terminology. God is still greater and deserves all praise, yet sometimes God’s servants get lauded more than God does. When we sense it, we need to redirect it, in humility to God, lest we sin with those who are doing it! That’s what Gideon did.

My prayer, O Lord, is that You keep me humble. Keep me pointing to You. I never want to feel like I have it all together, like I am something big or important. I want You to get the glory, so keep me broken, humble, stumbling forward in faith relying on You, just as You did with Gideon.

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