Monday, January 7, 2019

faithful gospel preaching

In those days John the Baptist came preaching in the wilderness of Judea, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”
Matthew 3:1-2

John was the most singular “advance man” who ever lived. He had a very simple, but profoundly important ministry. His preaching and activity focused solely on preparing the hearts of all who heard him for the kingdom of the Messiah that he was called to introduce to the world. He was Isaiah’s prophesied “voice in the wilderness” calling people to prepare for the Lord’s arrival among them. John preached a message calling for action: Repentance of sin visualized in baptism in order to prepare for the Messiah’s coming kingdom. And he plunged the repentant under the waters of the Jordan so that in baptism they might be so visibly and personally prepared.

John’s contemporaries flocked to the banks of the Jordan river in the Judean wilderness to follow his preaching. Crowds of them were baptized in response to his urgent call. His disciples were seeking the Lord under the careful leadership of this odd prophet. A people were seeking God’s deliverance like never before. They were ready for Jesus to arrive on the scene. John the Baptizer was definitely being used by God to prepare lives for Jesus’ own kingdom ministry.

Your Word shows me this morning the powerful impact of faithful preaching as Your Spirit draws hearts. The ministry of John the Baptist was all about being faithful to the call to preach repentance while pointing to Jesus. And in many ways, faithfulness to the gospel message is still much like John’s task. The difference is we look back on a completed salvation in Jesus while also calling people to repent looking to His future kingdom. May I be a faithful proclaimer of the gospel in this way!

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