Friday, October 28, 2016

wise team guidance

Plans are established by counsel;
by wise guidance wage war.
Proverbs 20:18

Not all strategies are wise. And certainly human advice has its fallible limits as part of the effect of the Fall. But generally, wise counsel from experienced, godly people will yield better decisions and solid, successful strategies for living. Solo soldiers usually are the deranged, lone gunmen. It takes a strategic team to fight a battle that completes an objective to win in war. I believe the same is true about life. I will fail without the wise guidance of other men and women.

I have perhaps a decade and a half left of energetic fruitful ministry ahead of me, should the Lord tarry and give me life and health. I would like to invest that time in team development for strategic advancement of the gospel in the local church wherever I am, and around the world. I never want to see a pastor stranded, soldiering solo, without brothers in arms to assist him. I never want to be alone in that way either. By God's grace, I have the joy of being part of a team that I hope will be serving the kingdom with a God-blessed impact beyond our generation!

That will only come by wise counsel from a team that is biblically saturated, centered on the gospel, dependent on prayer, strategic on specifics, and deeply caring for each other so that everyone is equipped and encouraged. My prayer today: God bless the church with wise teams.

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