Thursday, July 14, 2016

the Lord, my God, the merciful

I say to the Lord, You are my God;
give ear to the voice of my pleas for mercy, O Lord!
Psalm 140:6


There are three observations from this verse this morning that I find encouraging. First, GOD IS PERSONAL. David prays to the Lord as "my God". He has a personal relationship with Almighty God, intimate with his Creator. This means God is always approachable in prayer and never distant from us.

Secondly, GOD IS ATTENTIVE. David asks God to listen to and pay attention to his specific requests to keep him from wicked men and their wicked schemes. He can pray in a very specific way with detail because God cares and pays attention in love to the needs of His children. He loves to hear from them and God answers their prayers.

And the third observations is this: GOD IS MERCIFUL. David's requests ultimately throw themselves upon God's mercy, which is God's willingness to not treat us as our sins deserve. Confidence in God's mercy leads us to ask bold things, knowing we sinners may not be perfect, but God is merciful and cares for us out of that mercy and not according to our actions. And that brings God glory as we praise all of it as it comes from Him.

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