Thursday, July 28, 2016

an end to discrimination but not to distinctions

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Galatians 3:28

Sinful human discriminations and prideful attitudes of superiority are eliminated in Christ. In Jesus, the One Who died for all, all people are brought together in His Body under Him. He is our Lord. We are together. We cannot be judgmental and discriminatory of one another in the church and truly be surrendered to our Lord. It disrupts the design that Jesus is making of us.

And the way to live this truth out is much bigger than a hashtag. It won't be known by simply jumping on the social media bandwagon with #alllivesmatter. You see, this unity is rooted not in activism of human effort, but in the abandonment of legalistic efforts and embrace of the gospel by faith (see Galatians 3:26-27 for context). We are one by faith and not by human imposed sanctions. The gospel removes the sinful discriminations we will selfishly erect. We stay the people we are (distinct) but are saved from distrust and hate (discrimination). The Law cannot give this kind of life (Galatians 3:21)!

Lord Jesus.
You are making a beautiful church in this world, all across the globe, in every nation, tribe, and culture. You are saving Your people and making us one in You. May we accept You as the Lord Who breaks down our sinful distrust of one another. 

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