Wednesday, August 21, 2019

the good soil

As for that in the good soil, they are those who, hearing the word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart, and bear fruit with patience.
Luke 8:15

I love the way Luke tells us the explanation of the parable of the soils. There is a strong emphasis on the nature of the human heart in response to the gospel. It shows us how the Christian life grows from the heart.

The seed landing on the side path represents people who hear the gospel, but the devil finds a way to take away the impact of the gospel “from their hearts” so that they choose not to believe (Luke 8:12). The seed in the rocky soil is received with a joy in hearts, and after an early faith, quickly withers when difficulties emerge that test the heart (Luke 8:13). The seed among thorns represents hearts easily drawn into the “cares, riches, and pleasures” of life that choke the gospel from bearing mature fruit in the heart (Luke 8:14).

But in the good soil of a Christian, the gospel grows. It is held fast in an honest and good heart now cleansed by faith in Christ. It grows into a maturing crop that bears fruit patiently over time as from the heart real change begins to take place. It isn’t easy. But it is beautiful, organic, and real.

From a heart changed by Jesus through the gospel, I can patiently see the fruit of obedience to His Word. I believe this. I will continue to live for this. I will rejoice when I see the crop growing in good soil around me.

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