Thursday, August 22, 2019

taking a stand

But he took his stand in the midst of the plot and defended it and killed the Philistines. And the Lord saved them by a great victory.
1 Chronicles 11:14

Eleazar fought when the rest of the army fled and God strengthened and blessed his valor. It would appear that Eleazar’s faith was a part of this bravery. At one strategic field of barley this man refused to let fear get the best of him. He fought on until the enemy was either in retreat or K.I.A. He took his stand and it meant he was in the fight... all alone, but not alone, with God. The Lord used him to turn a defeat around. The Philistines may have run off all the other defenders, but they could not overrun Eleazar’s position. One man turned the tide of battle.

This is an example of how far God can used the courage to obey. Eleazar’s stand became his testimony of faith. All of Israel would come to know him as one of King David’s “Mighty Men”. His fight and courage in a barley field swarming with Philistines became his story of faith. God enabled one man to hold his ground and win a battle. God was the hero of saving Israel through the actions of faithful, fighting Eleazar.

I do not know where faith will have me to take a stand. But I do believe that when such moments occur, if I am rooted in the conviction of the gospel, confident in the power of my God, and willing to risk it all for Jesus, God will be the One standing with me and by faith, in me. And whatever happens from there is in God’s control. He will turn the tide when He wills it. I will trust in Him.

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