Thursday, August 29, 2019

Jesus is most important.

As he was saying these things, a cloud came and overshadowed them, and they were afraid as they entered the cloud. And a voice came out of the cloud, saying, “This is my Son, my Chosen One; listen to him!”
Luke 9:34-35

When you think about it, the transfiguration of Jesus was overwhelming with its experience. Peter, James, and John had to be amazed as they witnessed it. Jesus takes them to the crest of a high hill. They relax and the disciples take a nap, only to be startled awake witnessing Jesus glowing like the sun and watching Him have a conversation with Moses and Elijah. That’s right... two historical figures who were dominant superstars in Jewish culture. The Moses who wrote the first five books of the Bible.... the Elijah who was the standard for prophetic power... those two guys were chatting with Jesus. This glowing meeting was their first sight upon rubbing their eyes in disbelief! All of this was happening right in front of them.

Peter is excited by all this, as anyone would be when seeing glowing biblical characters talking together. He starts to suggest they build tents to keep these guys all together for a while. I mean... wouldn’t it be fantastic for every Jew to see Jesus in the company of the the two All Star Old Testament hall-of-famers? But just then the scene changes.

As Peter begins hatching his plan, a cloud rolls over the hill and envelopes them so quickly that everyone gets scared. And in that ominous moment God the Father booms out the command to listen to only His Chosen Son, Jesus. The freak-out moment ends with the cloud lifting and the disciples again alone with Jesus, back to His normal brightness levels, standing together at the top of the hill. The most important lesson? Listen to Jesus.

Speak Lord, and I will listen. I will follow You alone, Jesus. I will look for You in all scripture’s pages. I will let Your love as the Chosen Savior and Beloved Son lead my thinking. Amen.

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