Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Highways in our hearts

Blessed are those who dwell in your house,
ever singing your praise! Selah
Blessed are those whose strength is in you,
in whose heart are the highways to Zion.
Psalm 84:4-5

The temple of Yahweh was the center of Jewish worship. Being within its boundaries was to be physically obedient to the covenant relationship with God. It was about obedience, it was about worship, and it was about blessing. A select few temple workers basically lived on Zion. One such group was the “sons of Korah” — temple singers and worship leaders who wrote this particular psalm. They rejoiced to be in the position of service to God through their constant nearness in the temple. They are the ones who know the blessing in verse four: “ dwelling in your house” and “singing your praise”.

But there was an equally blessed group starting in verse five. They find strength in God and desire from the heart to make the journey to worship the Lord. These were the countless Jewish pilgrims who regularly trekked to the temple for feasts and sacrifices. In their hearts are “the highways to Zion”. A poetic roadmap of worship led them to experience the same three things as the sons of Korah: obedience, worship, and blessing. These people had a spiritual GPS that guided them regularly to the joy of worshipping God. And at the temple their internal satisfaction was like the end of the destination gladly announcing: “You have arrived!”

Temple singers made sacrifices of life to live in their joyful worship. They resided at the temple. They lived for nothing but their sacred duties. The pilgrims likewise had their sacrifices as they journeyed to delight in God in Zion. They traveled through the valley of Baca (literally weeping) as sorrow accompanied their commitment. And God refreshed them even in that suffering (Psalm 84:6). They needed strength to journey on (Psalm 84:7). They are driven by a transcendent sense of value — God above all else (Psalm 84:10)! God lights their way and protects them as their Sun and Shield (Psalm 84:11).

All efforts made to prioritize the worship of God and obedience to our Lord Jesus are worth it! He bestows favor and honor (Psalm 84:11) and is Himself the reward of the journey (Psalm 84:12).

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