Tuesday, January 26, 2021

sweet gracious words

Gracious words are like a honeycomb,
sweetness to the soul and health to the body.
Proverbs 16:24

In a culture of clashing ideals and quick cut downs, this proverb may get lost in the chaos of the churning crowd. But for the Christian it should be a call to speak clearly, graciously, and godly even in the angry din around us. I’ve seen politics and technology collide over the last half decade or so. It has turned some Christians into cruel commentators with all the grace and charm of a snarling junkyard dog on the attack. I know this personally too well because at one time I was caught up in the new found power of the social media megaphone, what I thought was my best witty insight, and the pride-swelling drug of the “like” button lighting up my posts. When that combination takes over, very little thought of grace controls your choice of words. I know this because shamefully, that was me at one time. I was lovingly admonished about it. I chose to change my tone and content before I inflicted more damage and brought more shame and judgment upon myself.

What I want most is not some political outcome for my world. That is a human proposal that is severely limited and flawed by a broken system. But grace... that comes from heaven... from the God of all grace. That changes me. Through the the gospel it changes people. And God can give me words of grace and actions of grace that can save the souls He loves by His mercy and change all who believe for eternity! I want the sweet grace of Jesus to fuel my soul and bring rest at the end of each day. Grace brings joy, life, peace, and health. And man, is that needed right now!

So Lord,
You know the lessons I have had to humbly learn in repentance and the temptations I face to easily forget those lessons. You know that controlling my online expression in grace is a wise and holy taming of my tongue that ultimately shows Your great transforming power. Please drip the honey of Your sweet grace on my lips so that Your words will restore souls and bring health to a sick world that right now is literally dying in dire need of the saving grace of Jesus. 

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