Thursday, June 4, 2020

beyond motivation to true empowerment

He gives power to the faint,
and to him who has no might he increases strength.
Even youths shall faint and be weary,
and young men shall fall exhausted;
but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings like eagles;
they shall run and not be weary;
they shall walk and not faint.
Isaiah 40:29-31

I’ve heard these verses used to put perspective on human achievement. But that is not the point of them. And sadly, I’ve been guilty of seeing them that way as well. In Christian High School, verse 31 was a motivational motto for my school soccer team. It felt quite motivational and inspirational to quote it together before and after games. But I don’t think I saw the truth here quite correctly. This verse didn’t help me last longer on the field or create any more athletic skill than I normally had. There is much more here than a magic incantation to inspire athletic endurance.

This passage twice repeats the concepts of “strength” vs being “faint”. But the thoughts don’t originate just in these three verses. Instead, the first time strength, weariness, and faint feelings emerge are in verse 28, where Israel is reminded to return to trusting a strong Creator Who Himself never tires or grows weary or feels faint. They are told to focus their hope upon the Everlasting God.

The Lord gives power to us when we are wearied by life. God increases strength by being our strength when we have none. Jesus Himself promised us that He will never leave us nor forsake us. He promised to be with us always. He sent His Spirit to be the power we would receive. We are only as strong as God is! We have no power of our own. It is patient faith that is the call upon us. We don’t run and win with our own legs. We don’t endure because we have such power. God has to be our strength and our trust. We are just naturally weary and exhausted!

Exhaustion is a word that has risen to the forefront of cultural conversation the last month or so. People are tired of the status quo, of ineffective leaders, of social inequities going unchanged, of the lives of our neediest being debated rather than their pain abated. People are tired of three months of social distancing and only online connection. Weary souls are ripe now for a fresh look at the God Who gives strength. He can save the weary, Jesus can lead the tired and exhausted and broken soul into rest and re-empowerment through the glory of the gospel! It is time to trust in the Lord! It is time for Christians to demonstrate this power and might by pointing weary and exhausted souls in repentance to their Savior.

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