Friday, May 8, 2020

a lot to answer for

The men of Nineveh will rise up at the judgment with this generation and condemn it, for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and behold, something greater than Jonah is here.
Matthew 12:41

The generation that rejects Jesus has a lot to answer for. The religious leaders of the Jerusalem Jews tested Jesus, pushing for some “sign” from Him that confirmed His authority. They did not believe nor did they intend to. They were hoping to trap Him. Jesus had already proven He was Lord over the Sabbath Laws (Matthew 12:1-14). He showed power over the forces of evil by healing a demon-possessed man (Matthew 12:22-37). Yet some of these leaders persisted in their unbelief and pressure against Him.

Jesus countered their demand for a sign with the story of Jonah, which was a shrewd and carefully placed argument showing their sin. Jonah was a very self-righteous Jew (much like them) who actually disobeyed God’s direct command to preach judgment to a Gentile nation. Jonah put his prejudice and misinterpretation of the Law of God above the love of God and it took him nearly drowning in the ocean and a three day submarine ride in fish belly to make him even a reluctant prophet!

Jonah’s lackluster preaching still was used by God to maximum effect, turning Ninevah to repentance. Jesus drove the point home further saying that in the judgment those Gentile Ninevites who repented at Jonah would condemn the Jews who rejected Jesus. The Gentiles turned to God from the few words of an imperfect preacher. How much more should “good followers” of God’s Law respond when God Himself (the “something greater than Jonah”) was with them? 

How we respond to Jesus is what matters the most. It is crucial. It is a matter of life or death... forgiveness or judgment. Jesus Himself taught this exclusive truth about Himself.

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