Monday, January 4, 2016

quick... then slow.

Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.
James 1:19-20

This simple admonition is sound wisdom for both communication and emotional control. And for all the years of my Christian walk I have needed its wisdom. I am inclined to naturally act in an opposite way to its command. I am too slow to listen to others, quick to judge them and speak against them, and very quick to anger. And I don't produce God's righteousness in my actions.

It takes faith in the truth of God's Word to daily repent of this angry lifestyle. I must be a better listener to be able to be the kind of person whose character exemplifies God's peaceful righteousness. I can't assert my perceived rights, I must be the first to care and to really listen. I try to do so daily, but I am often not successful.

I have to be carefully slow to speak. I often find myself wanting to interrupt other people. I've been told by close friends and by mere acquaintances that I interrupt people too much. I over talk people rather than listen to them. I have a long way to go to implement James' wisdom here. I have to shut my big mouth, withhold my opinions and shut the heck up!

Most people characterize me as quiet and mellow. That is a mistake. I'm introverted in terms of emotional expression mostly because quite honestly I don't trust people, so I keep it to myself, but inwardly I can rage and seethe with anger. I'm more passive aggressive, but when I do blow, my creative ways of getting angry are dangerously wrong. Again, I am not in control when I just stuff it down and keep a "respectable" appearance. I must repent of nursing anger selfishly. 

I want to live like this passage commands, Lord! Help me to remember to be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to get angry. Your Spirit can help me find control in this way. I believe this passage is the way I need to live. I repent of my assertive selfishness and pride. I humbly ask to be made by your grace into a person who is quick to care to listen and then slow speak or get bent out of shape. Jesus, love people through me like I can't do on my own.

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