according to your righteousness,
and let them not rejoice over me!
Psalm 35:24
What was David asking for in this cry for God to vindicate him? He wanted God to clearly involve Himself to point out the stark difference between David’s righteous commitment to obey God and the evil motives of David’s enemies. David trusted the Law AND the covenant that the Lord had made with him as king.
To be vindicated by God meant that all the opposite characteristics shown in the actions of David’s sinful accusers would be shown by David’s life. God would defend him. It meant that the light of God’s justice would shine on his enemies’ evil motives, exposing the intentions of their hearts. David’s true worship of God, offered in faith and obedience would be revealed for all to see.
This cry for vindication was an appeal to God’s righteous, faithful love. God always keeps His promises. And a faithful, consistent, holy God will vindicate His people. They may suffer for a season as the wicked seem to thrive and press in around them. But the Lord will vindicate them. He will show His faithful care. He will not allow faithfulness to Him to be snuffed out by the wicked.
The gospel shows us the ultimate vindication. Wicked men marched Jesus up Golgotha. Wicked men condemned and crucified the perfect, faithful, obedient Son of God, heir of David’s covenant, and Messiah. But by resurrection from the dead God defeated all those evil actions and vindicated His Righteous One! And now Jesus clothes those who trust in Him with His own perfect righteousness and will vindicate His faithful followers. May His righteousness be our strength, hope, and vindication always!
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