But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.
Matthew 6:3-4
Jesus expects generous giving to the needy to flow from His followers. The admonition in Matthew 6:2 is not “if you give” but “when you give.” Jesus expects Christians to care about the poor. Jesus expects His people to give to help the neediest. Jesus expects us to care in physically measurable ways. And the attitude by which we do so is also very important. We can negate the reward of our giving by our selfish attitudes.
In Jesus’ culture the Pharisees, the religious show-offs on the right side of the aisle of ancient Israel, loved to draw attention to their gifts to the poor. They blew a trumpet as they dropped a gift into the coffers of a local synagogue. They made sure people saw their “good deeds”. They were motivated by pride and displaying their wealth. But Jesus much more prefers anonymous donors! In fact, His command is that our giving should be “in secret”. It is the opposite of the virtue-signaling public show. If possible, we need to give willingly, generously, and without getting the credit. That’s the call of true heart-felt generosity and the kind of true righteousness God the Father will always reward.
May I be a steward of the means You have given me to give in secret. May Your reward be my sole motivation. May humility be the way I live out what I give out!
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