Behold, you have made my days a few handbreadths,
and my lifetime is as nothing before you.
Surely all mankind stands as a mere breath!
Psalm 39:5
Compared to the eternity that awaits me, with a God Who knows eternity past and eternity yet to come simultaneously, my lifespan on earth is just a short, bright spark. The longer that I live it, the more that I know it. In my youth the thought of attending a funeral was intimidating. Now it is common to do so and natural. Coming to grips with mortality is a deeply comforting spiritual reality. And so the urgent poetry of Psalm thirty-nine speaks comfort and not alarm. It calls me to contemplate the everlasting wonders of an eternal God, Who has made me to dwell with Him, both in the brevity of my humanity AND in the splendor of eternity. It is Jesus Who comforts: “I give to them eternal life… and they shall never perish.”
So each moment of “mere breath” that makes up this life of mine tells me at least these two things: 1) A gracious God has given me that moment to point to His glory, live by His care, and proclaim Him to others. 2) Each exhale is one more step in this pilgrimage to eternal dwelling places with Jesus. Will I recognize the direction, enjoy the journey, and by faith trust Him to delight me as I worship Him in the final destination?
Lord God,
The vaporous breath I draw is a gift from You, O Lord. You breathed life into humanity. And You provided redemption and glory to await those who in Christ have been reborn with new breath into Your family. You will see me safely home, just as I have seen You do for so many who are dear to me. I will be with you. I will be with them. With the mere breath of this momentary life I seek to make You known, celebrate and shout the good news of the gospel that saves me in Jesus alone, and live confidently for eternity.
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