We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies.
2 Corinthians 4:8-10
This passage is an inconvenient bubble-bursting reality check for those who want to believe prosperity theology. I can see Osteen squirming. “God wants you wealthy, healthy, and happy!” Really? Not according to Paul’s clear experience… a lifestyle he insists to the Corinthians is what those dedicated to making the gospel of Jesus Christ known should expect. Christians should expect life to be hard. It is complicated to stand for the gospel in a dark world that hates the light of Christ. But notice that even though it is hard, there is hope and sustaining goodness from God in the difficult experiences. They are never unbearable.. God is at work in them.
There is “affliction” — a word used to describe pressing grapes. Christians may be pressured by the world around us but notice: we are “not crushed”. Jesus strengthens us so that pressure doesn't break us. There is also the reality of being “perplexed”, which describes feelings of entrapment, optionless, walled-in, not knowing what to do next. Yet Jesus is with us. He is right there so there is a way out. We do not despair because Jesus is there! Christians are persecuted, which is now the default treatment from our culture. Christian morality in all its forms is now seen as the problem by cultural elites. We have sexuality, gender, absolute truth, scripture, sinfulness, and redemptive need “all wrong”. The world insists people are basically good, but repressed by Christian judgmentalism. We are now the enemy of “progress” and “goodness”. But persecution does not strike down the truth of the gospel. Jesus never forsakes us even if the world does. For over four thousand years the world has tried to strike down the people of God. They have never succeeded to destroy the message God has given to us.
We trust in You. We carry in our experience Your death and Your rejection so that You may live Your life anew in us… right now! Nothing opposed to You, or to You living in us, can succeed. We take heart!
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