Monday, September 23, 2024

remaining in teaching and preaching

But Paul and Barnabas remained in Antioch, teaching and preaching the word of the Lord, with many others also.
Acts 15:35

What Christians need to grow and mature is exactly what Paul and Barnabus modeled in Antioch: teaching and preaching the Word of God. Paul and Barnabus returned from a wildly successful missionary journey and reported back to their sending church in Antioch. And God’s saving work among Gentiles was celebrated.

But… then some ethnic Jewish believers began pushing against it, adding to the gospel the restraints to the Gentiles of also converting to Judaism by keeping the OT Law. This was causing doctrinal dissension and led to an apostolic council to convene in Jerusalem in order to settle the matter and understand just how the gospel should advance into the world. At this council the apostles, all of them Jews, settled the matter scripturally, refusing to burden Gentile believers with the demands of the Law, releasing the true character of the gospel of grace.

Paul and Barnabus then returned to Antioch, read the letter of decision from the apostles, and then got right back to the ministry of the Word of God, which would have been preaching freedom in Christ through the gospel. They taught this from the Law, Prophets, and writings (the Old Testament). Freedom comes by understanding the truth of scripture. And it is what the believers in Antioch needed most. It is what believers today need the most. It is what will advance the gospel tomorrow.

Grow me deeper in this book! May I be under its teaching and authority always! Forever, O Lord, Your Word is settled in heaven (Psalm 119:89). And that eternal truth is what builds disciples into mature faith right now. Help Your people to remain in the teaching and preaching of Your Word!

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