I bless the LORD who gives me counsel;
in the night also my heart instructs me.
Psalm 16:7
I have received more caring counsel in the past two years than at any other season in my life, with the possible exception of my late teenage years. And I have needed it. When the unexpected hits us, when loss compounds with life changes that overwhelm us at a new season, we need other steady voices to help us keep it together. I know I did. And God was faithful.
I am so blessed that my core care team came from the Christian community God had already put around me. God had lovingly surrounded me with hearts that loved me, felt with me, and challenged me when I needed it. They showed up. Physically there were arms around me, hugs, meals, and help. Emotionally there were tears falling alongside mine, laughter sounding out with me, and hope shared even in the sorrows. When God began turning things around, they rejoiced and felt my relief with me. Spiritually, there was perspective from scripture and in serious conversations that let me ask hard questions, express “difficult to get out” emotions, and together we were led to grace and truth in love.
God used the church to help me. And many people were part of that love. Yet, I know what it means for God to give me the best counsel.To be honest, humans fall a bit short, not out of intentionally doing so, but in our own brokenness we are not perfect counselors. It was disappointing that there were not a lot of resources for widowers to be found. If you are woman who has lost her husband, well, there is a plethora of books, devotionals, and support groups. Guys, at least this one, have to grieve in a desert. Except… God was very faithful to me. A biblical counselor helped me keep focused during the fearful unknown. Careful biblical study on how personal lament will work feelings out of the soul, how waiting on God is a real life experience worth doing… all that showed me that God is indeed a good counselor. Jesus is the Prince of Peace and the Wonderful Counselor. And in that counsel God created a whole new place for me, new love, new hope, new peace, quite literally a whole new life right now, out of the confusion and pain… with very clear direction! Praise the Lord!
Jesus, Wonderful Counselor!
I bless You. You have been my Counselor. You are bringing peace even as at times my soul might still wobble a bit. You have kept writing grace into my story. And You will continue to do so as I embrace a new life, with new experience, deeper relationships, a bigger family, a better perspective, and a heart instructed by You day and night!