The LORD is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He does not faint or grow weary;
his understanding is unsearchable.
Isaiah 40:28
O Lord God,
I come to You humbly with these reminders of the God I worship and I need. These truths move me to worship. They put my heart in its proper place. I bow down to a God more glorious than anything or anyone I think would make me happy. I pray to a Person Who knows and loves me more than any human lover ever possibly could. I cling to a Savior stronger than my inabilities. I learn from a Mind unsearchable in Your wisdom and understanding.
Lord, You are my everlasting God. This year I have become frightfully all too aware of the fragility of mortality. I’ve seen the flower of life’s bloom suddenly fade, wither, and die in the body of the person I’ve loved most in this world. I’ve grieved, O how deeply my soul has in brokenness grieved, at the transience of all things. I’ve even for a season lost the gusto of action and activities and relationships that I once thought were so important to my happiness in life. In all this I’ve had nobody else who truly understands but You! I’ve thrown myself into the arms of Your care, my everlasting God! I too am made of this flaking, dying dust. But You are my hope O God! You are everlasting. You are God.
Dear God, You are my Creator and have placed me exactly where You want me to thrive in Your universe. I could be anywhere in the ends of the earth You’ve made, and yet here I am… alive now… relating where You want… to whom You want… for Your glory… along with all creation I serve Your purpose!
Mighty God, You are my strength. You have lifted up my weary, grieving, broken soul. You have restored my shattered perspective with a grace-filled new perspective. You have been my Provider of true joy.
You provide my understanding, wise and patient Father. And as I seek to follow You, my Lord, cultivating new life in new directions alongside my family, my old friends, and my new friends, I will praise the Lord Who knows what I need, loves me, saves me, and always sustains me for His glory!