Thursday, October 7, 2021

the good soil

As for what was sown on good soil, this is the one who hears the word and understands it. He indeed bears fruit and yields, in one case a hundredfold, in another sixty, and in another thirty.
Matthew 13:23

In the parable of the sower, Jesus anticipates various responses to Him and to the gospel. And the parable proves true. The ultimate desire of those who proclaim the gospel is for it to be received in “good soil”. Jesus describes three characteristics of those who respond to the good news in good soil.

1. They are attentive to what they hear. This is in contrast to those who do not understand the gospel because Satan has blinded their eyes. Others fail to be attentive because even though they initially realize the truths of the gospel, when difficulty comes, it proves they only wanted an easy religion. Still others try to mix the gospel with worldly pursuits, not quite repenting completely, but are quickly drawn into the deceitful appeal of materialism once again. But those who receive the gospel in good soil truly hear it, repent of sin, trust Christ, and seek to follow Him. They hear and they do.

2. They understand the gospel. These people realize the immense worth of salvation. They see the breadth of God’s saving work. They acknowledge Jesus as King and marvel at the glories of His kingdom. They understand the saving work of God in Jesus Christ. The bow to their King and Lord. They strive to live solely under His rulership.

3. They bear fruit. Not every believer in Jesus produces the same outcomes, but when Jesus transforms a sinner, the new saint does evidence that redeeming transformation. The kingdom focus of the new believer yield a new direction, a new love for the things of God, and a new goal to please the Master. And that growth yields fruit. Others see the change. The kingdom advances in the good soil.

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