Your steadfast love, O LORD, extends to the heavens,
your faithfulness to the clouds.
Your righteousness is like the mountains of God;
your judgments are like the great deep;
man and beast you save, O LORD.
Psalm 36:5-6
These two verses of heartfelt worship call us to praise God for five facets of His favor shown to us.
1) God’s steadfast love (grace) is vast. In the poetry of this psalm it rises up into the atmosphere to transcend the stars. It’s like saying that the grace of God fills this universe. And so it indeed does. Grace is found everywhere when we repent and turn to God. There isn’t a sinner that can’t find it in Christ! It leads us to the joy of sins forgiven and worship from grateful hearts.
2) God’s faithfulness is our atmosphere. We live and breathe and enjoy all of life because God is faithful to us. And we can see it everywhere under the blue skies He gives. And even clouds show His faithful provision as His rains water and bring growth. God is always faithful to His children. Breathe it in! And speak it out again in praise!
3) God’s righteousness and holiness are firm mountains of truth. They will not crumble. They can be mined infinitely for the vast treasures of His wisdom. They shelter us. They tower over us. They invite us to hike on up and enjoy the view! They invigorate us with the climb as we live in and under His righteousness and worship Him in His holiness.
4) God’s judgments are deep. From the soaring summits of God’s righteousness, to the ocean depths of His judgment, to know God is to know a life of superlatives. We would judge sin superficially, given our own bent toward sinning. But not so with the all wise, all holy, all powerful God! His decrees, demands, and determinations are perfect, final, and complete. His judgment is without flaw, final, and without appeal.
5) God’s salvation is wonderful. He chooses to deliver those He calls into worshipful relationship with Him. And when God saves, it is also perfect and complete. The God Who is gracious, righteous, faithful, holy, and judging is also a God Who offers His salvation to His creation. In Jesus I experience the wonder of that great salvation daily! How great is our God!