Tuesday, August 11, 2020

the impossible thing God has done

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man it is impossible, but not with God. For all things are possible with God.”
Mark 10:27

This powerful statement by Jesus has too often been misapplied. It has been misunderstood by Christians and scoffers alike. It truly is absurd to take this truth out of its context and use it to claim that God must do all sort of things for us. It is not why football teams win Super Bowls, or unhealthy people lose weight. Scoffing comedian George Carlin used it in an anti-religion stage routine with his mocking question: “Could God make a rock so big He couldn’t lift it?” Of course those absurdities are not in the realm of what Jesus is claiming here. Neither is the “health and wealth” prosperity gospel.

We need to understand why Jesus said this. This story is not unique to Mark, but is repeated in other gospels. Putting the details together we see that a rich young man, a “social influencer” in today’s jargon, had come to Jesus and proposed becoming a disciple. He seemed to have his act together in every way. He was rich. He was young. He was a ruler. He knew and followed the Jewish Law. Jesus truly cared about the guy. Jesus asked him to do one thing that he asked of all His disciples: leave it all and follow. He had to leave the wealth behind and follow Jesus. It was a legitimate call to discipleship. But the young man turned away, choosing his material wealth over following Jesus, showing what his heart truly followed. Then, in an aside to His disciples Jesus comments how hard it is for those who trust in wealth to follow Him and find salvation. The disciples ask in astonishment: “Who then can be saved?”

The impossibility that is being addressed is the salvation of sinners. It is quite specific. And that is the basis for understanding Jesus’ answer back to His disciples. Man cannot save himself. That is impossible. But God can save sinners. Only God can do it. God must work in hearts first. God, Who sent His Son as our only Savior, must do the imposible. He must save us. And in Jesus, God is doing this impossible work. Through His Spirit, God is doing the impossible in the hearts of people. In every person who trusts Jesus for eternal salvation, God has done the impossible!

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