Then Moses brought the people out of the camp to meet God, and they took their stand at the foot of the mountain. Now Mount Sinai was wrapped in smoke because the LORD had descended on it in fire. The smoke of it went up like the smoke of a kiln, and the whole mountain trembled greatly. And as the sound of the trumpet grew louder and louder, Moses spoke, and God answered him in thunder.
Exodus 19:17-19
The entire nation of Israel, led by Moses, came to the foot of Mount Sinai where the LORD met with them in awe-inspiring power. All of the mountain is shrouded in dense smoke and fire, and the ground there trembles as if alive. Moses speaks amid what sounds like repeated trumpet blasts. And God has a conversation with Moses in booming thunder. It is an intense part of Israel’s commitment to God. They had just promised Moses they would obey what God would say (Exodus 19:8). And God says it this way! Now the power of God on display in the transformed Sinai gave substance to what it meant to come to God and commit to be the people of God. This mountain shaking changed their world.
It is very serious business to commit to following a holy and majestic God. God is about to give His Law to Moses, beginning with the Ten Commandments. He commands serious commitment by this display of His great power. The God of the fiery mountain is the sole focus of attention here. If this is what the ground does at His touch, what must it be like to stand in His presence? God has to issue a warning for the people to stay put and to only let Moses be the sole person among them to come to Him atop Sinai... the consequence of disobedience would be death (Exodus 19:24).
God has not changed. He is still glorious. He is still the Shaker of Mountains. He is still quite dangerous. And He is still holy and very good to us! Another mountain shook with thunder and darkness when Jesus died. And three days later the ground shook as the Son of God was raised from the tomb! And with it death was defeated so that we might have sins forgiven to live in the very presence of God, with His Holy Spirit residing within us. Look at that in the burning light of trembling Sinai and it makes the whole conversion reality a vivid experience! Jesus did this so that I might worship Him and be in relationship with my God. I am in awe of this God Who shakes mountains to change the world!