Thursday, December 19, 2019

old fool

Better was a poor and wise youth than an old and foolish king who no longer knew how to take advice.
Ecclesiastes 4:13

True confession: one of my very real fears in life as I age is that I will become old and foolish like this king that Solomon knew. He thought he no longer needed advice or the help of others in order to live life and rule well. He grew increasingly internalized. That’s a big problem.

There is wisdom in community. There is strength to be found in the advice of godly friends and counselors whose insights and perspectives help move me beyond my warped and limited understandings. I may have lots of experience, but that doesn’t mean I know it all, or that I am making the best choices. I may be blessed to advise other people, but that doesn’t mean I am above the need to seek advice. It is not good for a person to live alone.

It is an honor to be at the stage in my life where many people seek my thoughts, insights, and counsel. But it is extremely foolish for me to think I do not need to do the same. And it is an affront to God for me to foolishly believe a younger person cannot be used by Him to grow me more into the image of Christ. 

My sin nature bends me to selfish foolishness. It always has done so and it will still be there as I age. Keep me in Your community. Grow me more like Jesus through the interactive glorious wisdom of Your Word, Your Spirit’s leading, and Your people, the Church of Jesus Christ. I want to complete my race in wisdom and reward, not foolishness and regret.

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