While he blessed them, he parted from them and was carried up into heaven.
Luke 24:51
As Jesus was leaving this earth, ascending into heaven, His hands were lifted up in blessing over His disciples. The last thing they witnessed their Master do was an act of blessing upon them. For each of them, as they remembered Jesus, they would hold this in their mind’s eye as a vivid memory of His blessing. He was leaving all the work, all His work, of spreading the gospel to the whole world to them. And He did so confidently, with approving arms that gave blessing to each of them. This led to worship and joy, even in the absence of Jesus (see Luke 24:52-53)
Jesus, the Master disciple-maker, knew the power of blessing. He infused His men with confidence, joy, and worshipful hearts by blessing them. And if I too am called to make disciples, then I must also became a disciple-blesser. I must affirm the powerful, redeeming work of Jesus in those I am called to serve and follow Jesus with every day. Disciples who live under Jesus’ blessing will thrive in good times and in difficult days.
It is easy to point out what is bad in this world. It is easy to keeping focusing on the mistakes that people make. But disciple making works with broken people as they are to get them beyond their hang ups. We certainly don’t tolerate willful sin or direct disobedience to Jesus. But we also must celebrate the way that God displays His power in broken vessels like us for His glory. There is power in blessing. And words of blessing create grace-filled, gracious disciples.
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