Tuesday, November 5, 2019

the greatest wealth

Better is a poor person who walks in his integrity
than one who is crooked in speech and is a fool.
Proverbs 19:1

Character is the greatest wealth in the world. It cannot be bought or sold at any price in any market of exchange. Integrity and a solid reputation will take a person farther in life toward true respect, contentment, and eternal peace than all the riches one could dream of possessing. Give me character over career success. Give me character over the chattel of this world. Give me character over class status.

And the beauty of the new birth that accompanies salvation by belief in the gospel is that all things are made new. We are given a new nature, the power to understand the Word of God, the companion of the Holy Spirit to guide us and the company of other Christians so that the best possible character can be made anew in us. In Jesus I can walk in integrity and avoid all the foolishness and crooked outcomes that sin does in this world.

Please keep doing Your saving and redeeming work in me. I want to be a man who walks in the integrity You give to me. If it is all that I leave this world with, it will be more than enough. Purge me from my crooked speech and foolish ways by the work of Your Spirit and the power of the wisdom of Your Word! 

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