To do righteousness and justice
is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice.
Proverbs 21:3
God was more concerned that Israel live in the outcomes of the Law that He gave them then that they ritually go through religious motions. The goal of being His people under the Law was for them to do righteous actions and show forth justice in their dealings with people. In the end, those who truly love God will live out His righteousness and love justice. The right will prevail and the wrong shall fail.
How much more is this true for Christians alive today who do not need to ever offer sacrifice since it has “once-for-all” been given by Jesus at the cross? God is most concerned that those forgiven by Jesus not live like they must prove themselves or self-atone. Rather, we have in Jesus, His righteousness appeasing our judgment. We can then live rightly in the world, displaying God’s mercy and working for His justice in an unjust and sin-warped society. The solutions are found in Jesus and His people ought to be leading the way against true social injustices that are an affront to the design of God!
I am moved, because the church should be the last place any injustice should be ever be found. But sadly, we are not like that at all. Sundays find Christians disfigured and fragmented... preferentially segregated by race, social status, age, and gender. We have missed the wisdom of justice and must remind ourselves not to give in to our sinful, selfish view of what we find comfortable. Unity and justice are more acceptable than any of our paltry religious traditions and preferences!
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