Wednesday, October 9, 2019

We are all wealth managers.

They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life.
1 Timothy 6:18-19

Wealthy people and wealthy nations have a chance to do some of the most God-honoring, kingdom-expanding good things in this world. If (and this is a BIG “IF”) they will take a perspective on their resources that is eternal. Timothy again is given instruction by Paul to teach wealthy people well, and it seems the church in Ephesus had the means to share resources for the advance of the gospel. They were were a well-to-do congregation.

The eternal perspective that we should have about our stuff is five-fold: 1) We must see all the money and resources we have as the means to do what pleases God. That is why they were given to us. Any American above the poverty line is blessed to do this. 2) We must convert assets to good works. Money will burn come Judgment Day... but good works will go into eternity. 3) We must be generous. Don’t hold back! Bless others by giving abundantly, joyfully, with grace... not begrudgingly with a mere pittance. 4) We must be ready to give. This involves planning and strategy as well as having a means to be spontaneous. Without the plans, the tendency is to sinfully hoard or selfishly squander. 5) We must invest in eternity where the joyful interest earned compounds forever. We must see that as the goal of our life investment. We will find true life in this life and beyond when our viewpoint extends into eternity.

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