“Salt is good, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is of no use either for the soil or for the manure pile. It is thrown away. He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”
Luke 14:34-25
If the disciple will not meet the conditions for discipleship he is unfit. And in so many words: “He ain’t worth _____.” Just as the mined salt around the Dead Sea had to be processed to remove the minerals that made it tasteless, and if processed wrongly resulted in worthless waste, so can false discipleship be unfit. This worthless salt couldn’t be tilled back into the soil without ruining it, and it ruined compost if dumped on a manure pile. It had to be piled way in its own special kind of worthlessness.
To avoid being a sad kind of spiritually worthless heap I must: 1) Value Jesus and following Him more than any other relationship and even my own life (Luke 14:26). 2) Follow Jesus seriously with an attitude of death to my selfish desires, carrying a cross (Luke 14:27). 3) Count the cost of following Jesus, not running after Him rashly. This is a measured and deliberate choice (Luke 14:28-32). 4) Renounce all other allegiances and follow Jesus (Luke 14:33).
I want to be good salt. I want to be useful to You. I want to maintain the salty taste of a follower of Jesus. You are my value. I die to me to live for You. I do this seriously, carefully, aware that it costs my life. I lay my desires before You to live truly in You!
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