Thursday, May 3, 2018

light for my path

Your word is a lamp to my feet
and a light to my path.
Psalm 119:105

God’s Word is truly the lamp of my life. I am not disappointed that from my childhood this has been the case. I may have had individual Christians discourage me. I may have been frustrated by churches and imperfect human-derived theological pronouncements. But God’s Word, living and powerful, with the amazing strength of simple text inspired by the Holy Spirit, as I have read and understood it plainly, has emboldened, empowered, strengthened, rebuked, encouraged, and amazed me! It do not regret making a daily habit of starting my days in its pages. I have lived here and hope to always do so!

That daily saturation illumines my thinking and hopefully changes my actions. The Word of God is my light. God shows me what I should be and do through the Bible’s multi-faceted message. And from the first page revealing God as my Creator, to its last page revealing Jesus as my King Who is coming soon... all the story points to my need of a Savior and a Sovereign in Jesus. Submitting to His rule over me by living in the light of God’s Word is the daily purpose of my life.

Waking up early to light scripture’s lamp and place myself under the Bible’s authority is the best way to start every day. God speaks here... loudly, boldly, encouragingly, and clearly. And as I apply what He says in the Bible, I know Jesus, love Jesus, learn to follow Jesus as the Word lights each step of the way.

Thank You for Your Word and that You are the Word made flesh. In the Bible I see You, behold Your glory, walk with You, and learn to love and follow You.

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