But do not gloat over the day of your brother
in the day of his misfortune;
do not rejoice over the people of Judah
in the day of their ruin;
do not boast
in the day of distress.
Obadiah 12
In this short prophetic message of Obadiah, God warns the people of Edom that their destruction is sowing. Part of their judgment would be the ironic result of their own mockery of Judah’s fall. God doesn’t care for it when we make light of another person’s downfall. All the comedy clubs in Edom had bits about Jerusalem’s ransack. But God would not let them laugh over the destruction and judgment that befell Judah. Edom would not get to laugh untouched by judgment themselves.
God’s work is serious business and when He brings judgment upon sin it is not something we should applaud, no matter how much we have longed to see or how notorious the sinner. It should grieve us when bad consequences come as the result of sinful choices. We do not rejoice at the ruin of an enemy. We should not boast over sin’s destructive effects as the justice of God falls on another, especially since we ourselves are sinners equally deserving of judgment by God.
And in the cross of Christ all judgment on sin was taken. So when I see that as the place where sin is judged, I cannot gloat over any other person’s sin misery. It should sadden me. It isn’t right to laugh at such pain. It isn’t a gospel focus. It is sin itself and in a way it makes light of Jesus’ sacrifice. Instead, I must grieve that all sin deserves the wrath of God poured out on Christ on the cross. Jesus took that for me, for everyone, in His death. And I don’t laugh, but cry in my soul, grieving that cost.
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