Thursday, September 14, 2023

5 relevant commands

Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.
1 Corinthians 16:13-14

There are five commands from Paul to the Corinthian church that help to “summarize and seal” all that has been dealt with in the letter he sent to them. They also have powerful application for believers, and for me, today.

Be watchful. Literally this is a command to “stay awake”. The culture around us can lull us into spiritual apathy. It had done so in Corinth, creating divisiveness and intolerance to all sorts of immoral behavior. It fed immaturity. The counter to this is vigilant watchfulness, an awareness that we must hold to what scripture teaches, what Jesus calls us to follow, and what the devil would tempt us to surrender. Without become hypersensitive in legalism, I too must keep watch over my own soul, and the flock God has called me to help lead.

Stand firm in the faith. When we are vigilant, we center into the gospel, we know our biblical commitments that are essential, we live out our theology, and we won’t be knocked off balance theologically, morally, or culturally. To “stand firm” is to hold a position, to not move, to persist, to be stationary when the whole world shifts and shakes. This is a call for our times! May I know and show what I believe!

Act like men. Literally “make like men.” And yes, masculinity is the call, front and center, in this command. It isn’t a command to women. Men in the church are singularly called out to be men… to be brave, to act manly, to show some muscle, backbone, character, commitment, leadership, grit, fight, determination, and strength. In a culture where now masculinity is often criticized as “toxic”, may the church redeem biblical, bold, and unashamed manhood with strong and capable caring men who will sacrifice themselves for what we believe and be men! God, let me be known as that kind of man!

Be strong. Literally “be empowered”. The secret of the Christian’s strength is not personal, it is spiritual. The Word of God and the Holy Spirit of God must empower God’s people. Oh, Lord, may Your Spirit be the strength in my life!

Let all be done in love. This is the sacrificial “agape’” love that only Jesus brings. We are redeemed in a love that died for us. We give that same “I’ll die for you” love to one another in the church. Love isn’t just a feeling… it is a careful, powerful, deliberate, moving commitment to others. And every action in Christ flows from this great giving love. It does not hold back. It is a passionate, unrestrained care! Lord, help me pour all of me into those I am called to love in Christ Jesus!

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