Thursday, July 27, 2023

what it takes to wait

I wait for the LORD, my soul waits,
and in his word I hope;
my soul waits for the Lord
more than watchmen for the morning,
more than watchmen for the morning.
Psalm 130:5-6

What will help me wait for the Lord? I see three things that will help me to bear up well in this current season of waiting. And all three of them are available to me RIGHT AT THIS VERY MOMENT!

1. His Word. God has indeed spoken. I hold in my hands every day the most valuable resource for waiting: God’s holy Word. The Bible will provide me with God’s thoughts, God’s wisdom, God’s perspective, and will give to me comforting direction as I wait. So the very best way to wait on God involves putting my mind to the task of hearing from God. So in His Word I will read… reflect… ruminate… write… and wait. Saturated with and soaking in scripture I will gain the strength I need in this season of waiting on God.

2. Hope in God. Specifically this is hope that comes from His Word. And I know this. Already, as I have spent these few weeks searching scripture for insight into waiting on the Lord, I have been filled with hope — hope for my future, hope for my present, hope that my past does not limit either of those! Thank You, Lord, for the hope found in Your Word. The Bible spills over with present and future hope in Christ, and truly my cup overflows!

3. Holy Expectation. The repeated line “more than watchmen for the morning” is beautiful, poetic, and practical. Morning always comes… ALWAYS! God will not leave me in the darkness. My hope will arrive as surely as the rising sun. God will provide direction just as He already has done so in my waiting. I know comfort, confidence, and contentment in Christ. I will wait. It will help me in the waiting to appreciate the holiness of this pre-dawn season, and at some point, when the first rays of a rising new day hit the horizon of my life, I will receive the gift of a new day! I will have what I wait for! I will rejoice!

So Lord, as I wait, soloing forward, leaning into You, finding new adventures one on one with Your hand leading me, confidently knowing that the pink glow of the sunrise will come as it always does, I hope in Your Word! Thank You for providing all I need right now to wait contentedly.

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