Monday, April 17, 2023

betrayal in a garden

“But all this has taken place that the Scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled.” Then all the disciples left him and fled.
Matthew 26:56

There in the garden where Jesus prayed, yielding Himself to the Father’s will and ready to die for our sins… in that same beautiful garden he was betrayed into the murderous hands of His enemies. Judas led an armed crowd to arrest Jesus. With a disciple’s greeting and a kiss, Jesus was handed over to the Jewish authorities by force. And Jesus did not resist, although He let scripture have the “last word” even as He walked down the dark night path from the garden that ultimately led to His brutal march up Golgotha to His crucifixion.

Jesus knew that the scriptures would would be fulfilled in that moment. All of the story of our world’s redemption was coming into fruition. What began in a garden with a betraying lie that Adam and Eve believed so that God was disobeyed, would begin to be undone in another garden, by the Second Adam, by another betrayal. And though the worst of it was yet to come, Jesus knew it would end with the salvation of many and His own resurrection and exaltation. All this took place so that what God had revealed for ages might be done for us. Jesus is confident, even in the face of unmeasurable suffering, because the Father is in control as the Son willingly gave Himself up for us all.

And in the face of the courage of Christ, the disciples all fled in fear. They all deserted Jesus, as briefly their hearts could not believe that all the scriptures foretold of this exact moment. Fear lead them all, as Jesus had predicted to them, to forsake Him to face His accusers all alone.

Lord Jesus,
You faced trials, beatings, mockery, and excruciating death on a cross for our salvation. And in confidence, in fulfillment of all that You revealed by Your prophets, You went alone to the cross so that we might never be alone. Thank You for Your love and Your sacrifice! You are victorious, even as our own hearts may easily be tempted, like Your disciples in the garden, to flee!

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