Thursday, February 2, 2017

instructed sinner

Good and upright is the Lord;
therefore he instructs sinners in the way.
He leads the humble in what is right,
and teaches the humble his way.
Psalm 25:8-9

God is good, holy, and perfect. Yet He loves to save the lowliest sinner who humbly repents. It is precisely because He is good and upright that He does so. It is the holy thing to extend love and assistance to needy sinners who repent. This psalm reminds us that God transforms repentant people in three ways.

First, the Lord instructs sinners. He warns us to repent and wants us to do so. He provides the means, methods, and mercies of our forgiveness. He instructs us on how and why we must seek His forgiving grace. He warns us of the consequences of refusing to turn from sin to a Savior. God instructs sinners in love.

Secondly, God leads the humble, penitent person in a new, right path of life. He provides the new direction. God will take the lead in helping us find a new life of holy living... a life pleasing to Him. He will gladly lead sinners who will admit their need to be led by Him. He does not leave us to just "figure it out". God provides clear paths to holiness.

Finally, God Himself will teach sinners. He will teach the repentant sinner His righteous ways. That's why we have such an amazing, full resource in God's Word. God will teach us clearly in His Word. He will use the teaching of scripture to show us His way so that we can live in it. If I want to know the best way to live my life, I need only read, obey, and follow the leading of the Bible, for God speaks in it. All of the book points to Jesus, Who shows me how to live life in its fullest, with the deepest purpose, and with the most meaning.

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