Tuesday, July 2, 2024

sustained through the night

I lay down and slept;
I woke again, for the LORD sustained me.
Psalm 3:5

I often take for granted the common sustaining mercies of God. Every night that I shut my eyes for sleep I am entrusting myself to God’s care for another day. I’ve slept all over the world in all sorts of places and ways and God brought me a new morning every time! That daily kind of faith should not be overlooked. 

I have crawled into a sleeping bag under mosquito nets in an African village. I’ve slept in a high rise hotel room in some of the most expensive real estate in the world in bustling Hong Kong. I’ve laid down under the stars on a mat in the New Mexico desert sand. Each time I awoke again the next day sustained by God for another day of living kept by His care for His glory. This is a mercy meant to be remembered as David wrote in this psalm.

I’ve never slept under threat of my life like David did. Yet He could sleep entrusting himself to You. I begin this new day thankful for Your care and Your mercies. Even sleep is evidence of Your providence. I woke up to a new day from You… for You… dedicated to You. May I never take that for granted.

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