Tuesday, July 4, 2023

three truths to resolve the “why” dilemma

But you, O LORD, reign forever;
your throne endures to all generations.
Why do you forget us forever,
why do you forsake us for so many days?
Restore us to yourself, O LORD, that we may be restored!
Renew our days as of old…
Lamentations 5:19-21

The hardest question to wrestle with in times of grief is the simple three letter interrogative: “why?” And it almost exclusively is the question that is impossible to answer. 


Why, Lord? 

That is the question at the heart of this passage.

Looking carefully though, we can see that question is surrounded by hope both before and after the question is asked. And what Jeremiah shows us is clear: “Why” is a natural question to ask in our grief. God is the supernatural solution to get us over the impossibilities of our “why” questions. Three truths about God help to settle our hearts when “why” troubles us.

1. The Lord Reigns. God is our ruler. He is in control. He has been in control forever. He will always continue to be in control. His rule extends far beyond our limited understanding. His reign is for generations past and future to whom He has always been and will always be faithful. The pesky little “why” in my moment is rightfully resolved by His eternal rule and reign alone. This big picture diminishes my need to have the answer right now. God is in control. He is sovereign. He is good. My experience then will resolve before HIS THRONE forever.

2. The Lord Restores. God controls this outcome. We never do. We can’t. So we must trust the One Who restores. And all of scripture compels me to believe that He Who has restored all things through the blood of Christ… Who restores my soul… He will restore all my lingering confusion and so I must trust Him. He began a good work in me. He will complete it. My confusion is not an impediment to this! God WILL restore joy, life, love, and meaning to me. I need only keep looking to His resurrected Son to know this and see it is already coming!

3. The Lord Renews. My prayer is to be renewed. And as Lamentations has already shown us, new mercies are revealed by God day after day… every morning I arise to a sunrise of renewal! I am a new creation in Christ. The old has gone. Behold, the new is coming! I can trust that the new is already at work in me… today… right now… this morning… for His glory! Amen!

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