Monday, May 10, 2021

an idolatrous end

Yet he sent prophets among them to bring them back to the LORD. These testified against them, but they would not pay attention.
2 Chronicles 24:19

God does not enjoy it when we choose to live as if He does not exist. And God will not let humans profane His holy name without consequence. That is the point of these prophets. Specifically Judah had just experienced a long period of blessing and prosperity under the mutual leadership and obedience to God’s Law that was led by King Joash and Jehoida the priest.

Jehoida was a wise mentor and advisor to Joash. Under this regime, the wicked queen Athaliah was struck down. Baal worship and all its dark practices were eradicated, pagan temples were burned to the ground, and the temple of God in Jerusalem was restored, refurbished, and thriving again as Joash the king led the nation and Jehoida the priest advised him and oversaw all the obedience reforms.

But then the old priest died at the age of 130. And in that void, Joash listened to the wrong counsel and his heart turned against the Lord. The temple was once again abandoned and idolatry filled the hearts of the people of Judah. Enter the prophets…

God patiently called the king and His people to come back in repentance. Their sins were made clear. The awful consequences of turning against God and rejecting His Law were made known by these prophets. But idolatry sparks envy, selfishness, and hate… and eventually murder. This did not end well. The last prophet to speak to the people about repentance was the new priest, Zechariah, son of Jehoida. He was martyred. They dared to stone him to death within the very courtyard of the temple!

This blatant and deliberate rejection of God led to the eventual disaster that idolatry always brings about. The Syrian army invaded that same year, and though they were a small force, God empowered them to execute His judgment. The Syrians killed all the Jewish leaders who had enticed Joash into idolatry. They then severely wounded the king, so that his own servants murdered him in his bed as he lay wounded! All the idolaters who conspired against God were gone. What lesson do we learn? “Little children, keep yourselves from idols.” 1 John 5:21

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