Friday, May 29, 2020

why read the Bible... especially now

For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.
Romans 15:4

The Bible itself tells me why I should read the Bible. The answer from this passage is crystal clear to me: it is the only way to maintain a hopeful perspective in a broken world. It is especially true in a world that has slowed down, reeling in uncertainty and confusion. The fact that an ancient book does this is profound. These aren’t just dusty old legends gathered together haphazardly in a book we call the Bible. The Word of God is truth, lived out in the real lives of people just like me at heart... men and women who struggled through life, wavered in faith, were slow to believe God, needed God even when they did not know it, and were able to encounter God in their circumstances despite all this. And the record of their stories in the power of God’s written revelation is used by God’s Holy Spirit to encourage and instruct His children today.

My Bible is so much more than an ancient religious book. It is the means by which God still clearly leads, instructs, speaks to, and encourages me. It gives strength. God shows us His grace in His Word. The Bible is the story of God saving us in Jesus Christ and as each page points to this truth in an important way, it brings satisfying and saving hope! The gospel is the ultimate instruction and encouragement to help me endure any circumstance in which God may currently have me. The gospel saves my life. And the gospel becomes the message of my life. And God’s Word always centers me on that truth if I will just look for the way it points to Jesus. Jesus died for me... a hell bound sinner who was powerless to save himself... so that I might know the true freedom and joy of living as a child of God. Honestly.... nothing is more powerfully encouraging than this.

O Lord,
God Who has lovingly and carefully revealed all I need to know and trust through the great and precious promises of Your Word... I believe in You. I trust in Your truth. I find Your ways in Your Word. I delight in what You have revealed. Your Word confronts my sin and wakes me from my complacence. Your Word reveals the kingdom all around me that I can see by faith as I trust what You say. Your Word encourages me to trust You as everything in this world fights against Your rule. Your Word gives me my life message in the saving gospel of Jesus Christ as I live it, tell it to others, and love it. Lord Jesus, the Bible always points to You and I see Your love, care, and Lordship in every word.

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