And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.
John 14:3
Jesus is always with those who follow Him and always will be with us. And He has now gone to prepare a place for us in the Monday rooms of His Father’s house. Eternity is abiding with our Lord. And He always wants us with Him. Sweet life with Jesus is always the believer’s eternal hope.
There is within us a warm appreciation of just how meaningful that future is right now. The older we get, the deeper our sense of mortality points to the eternal life in Jesus as our great aspiration. Bodily pains, earthly disappointments, and sinful struggles all make us long to be done with all those experiences in the joy of our Father’s huge house with Jesus!
That hope is not defeatism. It is the exact opposite. Jesus has already scored the overwhelming win. We are just waiting out the clock, holding on for the duration, calling others to believe and join in so we all can be celebrating the coming eternal joy of God’s people forever together with Him.