The words of the wise heard in quiet are better than the shouting of a ruler among fools.
Ecclesiastes 9:17
If there is ever a nugget of God-given wisdom to understand the crazy days in which we find ourselves, this is it. I don’t think I have ever witnessed more shouting among fools than this current social-media driven age. There is so much loud screaming in our culture. A dizzying array of voices speak about anything and everything with a self-imposed sense of authority and outrage. Endless channels of television... a relentless flow of countless podcasts... Youtube videos by the millions... billions of social media users shouting out their opinions emphasized in ALL CAPS!!!!!! It’s loud out there.
And now, worldwide, even rulers are resorting to trying to communicate in this cacophony. America even elected its Twitter-addicted president with some folks absolutely adoring his shouting among fools, hoping this somehow leads the pack. Snippets of sentences become major news stories. Well... until someone shouts louder. It is so easy to get drawn into the immature and raw emotional drama. But God’s Word teach us that it’s foolish even as it shows no signs of ending any time soon.
But Solomon knew the foolish nature of rulers who shout among fools and rejected it millennia ago. And God recorded those insights in His Word to remind us that quiet wisdom will outlast such din and chaos. Wise application of this truth will see the Twitter trolls for what they are, fools shouting foolish words among fools. Wisdom seeks the calm of God’s thoughts in the truth of scripture, rests in the peace of sins forgiven in Jesus, and trusts the redeeming reality of the gospel. And a Christ-centered calm can overcome the loudest screams and rants of fools.
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