Now we know that whatever the law says it speaks to those who are under the law, so that every mouth may be stopped, and the whole world may be held accountable to God.
Romans 3:19
God’s word tells us what God expects. It is the standard for righteousness for all of us. It reveals Christ to us. For that reason it is imperative that all the people of the world have access to the scriptures in their own spoken language. That revelation of the law helps to convict of sin with the Holy Spirit’s work so that all people are accountable to God. But make no mistake... this verse written over two thousand years ago even as scripture was still being written reveals that the law already holds the entire world accountable to God. Furthermore, Paul had earlier established in Romans 1:25 that even pagans who have rejected natural revelation in favor of idolatry are deserving of God’s wrath justly. How much more those who have God’s law and cannot keep it?!
The whole world needs to have the gospel. This is why the Great Commission is serious work, involving translation efforts as well as gospel presentation and the establishment of churches. We MUST make disciples of all the nations... and even more so as we work hard to get God’s Word translated into every language that we can. And this generation can see that translation task completed! The whole world is accountable to God for sin. And the whole church is accountable to Jesus for making disciples!
A guilty world stands worthy of judgment from God. Jesus Christ is ready to forgive people through His death and resurrection. But this world needs God’s Word so people may know and believe both the bad news about sin and judgment as well as the good news about Jesus and salvation. And we Christians need to be publishing and preaching it as much as we possibily can to a world that is accountable to God.
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