Wednesday, September 5, 2018

stronger than heaven and earth

Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.
Matthew 24:35

And with this statement from Jesus, His words are stamped with a final, unending, unshakeable authority. What Jesus said and did lasts forever. And in that authority is the foundation upon which to best build a life. If Jesus’ words are stronger than heaven and earth, if they are indeed the words of eternal life, than my life, focused and centered and built on the truth of the gospel can be firm. I can trust Jesus forever. The earth will be destroyed and a new earth will replace it. The heavens also will be remade after burning into oblivion. But the words of Jesus will last always, beyond the universe itself. In times of shifting uncertainty, inundated with bad news every hour it seems, I realize that certain destruction is what this world is destined for. It is God’s Word that is stable beyond that.

Lord Jesus,
I trust You. Your words are truth. Your words are life. Your words last even though this world and all in it will pass away. And on these words, I will confidently place my faith. I need Your ageless divine stability in my aging human fragility.

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