Friday, July 13, 2018

rise... and fall.

I will bring you to a dreadful end, and you shall be no more. Though you be sought for, you will never be found again, declares the Lord God.
Ezekiel 26:21

The Philistines and Phoenicians all were enemies of Israel who tempted Israel into constant materialism and idolatry. When God judged Israel, He also judged the nations surrounding them. And Tyre, the trade capital of the region and Phoenicia’s chief city, would be in that promised judgment. The Lord vows to utterly destroy Tyre: She would lose all her merchant fleet. She would lose all her wealth and influence. She would be brought to an end, never to rise to any kind of influence every again.

And the lost trade empire of Tyre is indeed now gone. There are no more fleets of ships plying the Mediterranean with goods and influence. There is no wealthy city of traders in Phoenicia whose sailers covered the coastline with their influence. God’s decree was real. The mighty city was ruined and is no more. You can tour the ruins in Lebanon today.

The rise and fall of all power among people is overseen by God. He can end empires by His Word. He can reduce the wealthiest of nations to ruin until they are never found again. He can turn the page of history as His will is done, so that all the world may know that He is the Lord and there is no other. And only one King of kings and Lord of lords stands at the center of human history on the world stage: Jesus Christ, Our Great Savior!

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