Friday, June 8, 2018

Slow down on the “like” button.

A fool takes no pleasure in understanding,
but only in expressing his opinion.
Proverbs 18:2

It seems to me that the way in which social media is shaping us to quickly press a button to express an opinion about someone else’s statement, photo, or experience is forming us into the kinds of fools this proverb warns us against. We are becoming a world of opinionated followers of our own tastes who force our brand on the world. And again... we are becoming a world of opinionated followers of our own tastes at the expense of true diversity. That is not a good thing. We could be actually losing the ability to think. We get dumber with every “retweet”, “like”, “follow” and added digital “friend”.

Slowing down my opinion would be a good thing. Not quickly throwing my thoughts onto someone else’s statements or posted content would be a wise application of the principles in this proverb. The irony of blogging this and having a link to this post in my facebook feed is not being lost on me this morning! But maybe this thought could get considered by more than just me... The communication advantage in a connected world is great.... and also very dangerous. It is why I must discipline myself to stop and think faster than the second or two my eye falls on an instagram feed.

So then, ancient wisdom from millennia past gathered by Hebrew poetry lovers and condensed into the book of Proverbs now informs my 21st century connectedness. And I will follow this wise advice in order to slow down, understand, and spare the world my rash opinions! Opinion is not greater than understanding! Wisdom is better than cleverness. Substance is more important than image. Spiritual depth and the power of Christ is more glorious than a million “likes”. Following Jesus is greater than having followers. 

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