Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Jesus is no secret.

The high priest then questioned Jesus about his disciples and his teaching. Jesus answered him, “I have spoken openly to the world. I have always taught in synagogues and in the temple, where all Jews come together. I have said nothing in secret.”
John 18:19-20

The only defense Jesus offered to Annas the priest when brought before Him for illegal questioning was to appeal to the public record. Jesus taught and healed and served people publicly. He was no secret conspirator. He spoke the truth and declared His purposes for anyone to hear. He taught in public gatherings. He had lots of followers who could tell His teaching as clearly as He could. He confronted the self-righteous religious elite at their every public debate with Him. He was never secretive.

Today Jesus is no different. He is not a secret. I love that I can pick up the gospels and by reading my Bible hear His words as clearly as when He said them originally. I can watch Him do His works, and be challenged by Him myself. I can gather publicly with His followers and be challenged together to follow Jesus. His teachings still confront a corrupt system of human religion. His life still stands as the example that I want to follow. His death and resurrection are still public, historical events that forever deal with what is wrong in me and compel me to believe Jesus and commit my life to Him. I don’t need a private, secret experience to find God’s favor or to bolster my faith. I openly commit to a very public Jesus, around Whom all the biblical story revolves and the history of humanity flows.

Lord Jesus,
I follow You and the world can know it. And in less than a week another very public worldwide celebration of Your incarnation will come and go. Some will barely realize what the event was meant to be. As I follow You, may I make You known to those who know me because Lord Jesus, You are no secret!

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