Friday, November 3, 2017

How sick is your heart?

How sick is your heart, declares the Lord God, because you did all these things, the deeds of a brazen prostitute, building your vaulted chamber at the head of every street, and making your lofty place in every square. Yet you were not like a prostitute, because you scorned payment.
Ezekiel 16:30-31

This is a harsh chapter to read. God likens unfaithful Israel to a lustful, cheating wife. She tries to pretend to be a prostitute to look like she is at least profiting from her unfaithfulness, but she is really just in it for the sex. This is a very rough analogy that could make for some highly controversial Sunday morning preaching if it was preached today as directly as God said it through His prophet Ezekiel!

There are five words at the very beginning that get my attention. It is the observation: “How sick is your heart”. God’s people had a problem first and foremost at the heart level. It was a crisis of character and commitment that would lead to God’s judgment. But it began at the heart. Sick hearts lead us to sick lives. If I am honest, it speaks directly to where my attention needs to be focused if I want to be a serious follower of Jesus.

I know that at its root my heart was born to be wicked. I cannot trust my heart outside of Your Word guiding me to change. I am inclined by sin’s sickness in me to live out sick choices, selfish desires, lustful wants, and sinful deeds. You have to have my heart’s affections first! I have to want You first, above all else.

I do not want to be a heart going astray like Israel, lusting after worship of anything or anyone but You, Lord. So help me. Help me guard my heart. Help me to keep Your holy truth in my thoughts and my affections in order to stay truly heart healthy for Your praise and honor, Lord Jesus!

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