Tuesday, October 3, 2017

stand the test

Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.
James 1:12

Jesus warned His disciples that they would know trials and difficulties in life. Part of life involves unforeseen and unwanted hardships. Jesus Himself had to endure opposition from those who did not understand Him or want His message to be known. They eventually tried to kill Him, not knowing He was giving His perfect life by His own choice for their sins. He remained steadfast and brought eternal life to all who will believe.

Here, in this passage, a blessing is offered for those Christians who remain strong under enemy fire. And the trials being endured by those First Century believers to whom James was writing were severe. They were being persecuted, imprisoned, and some were killed for their faith in Christ. This hardly compares to even the hardest trial I have ever known. The biggest test I have ever stood was being complained about by a self-proclaimed atheist co-worker once decades ago. And she was complaining to a Christian boss who knew well what was going on, and wound up commending me.

As we live in a culture that needs Christ in a growing intolerance to Christian teachings, we are seeing a rise in the opportunity for the church to know, love, and heed this promise to stand the test and receive the crown of life. And there are parts of the world where Christian faith is a crime punishable by imprisonment, even death. None of this opposition negates this firm promise of God. We know that enduring any trial or difficulty that confronts our faith will find the blessing of God coming to us, stronger in comfort than any trial ever would be in difficulty, and holding us close to Christ our victorious Savior and Lord.

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