From new moon to new moon,
and from Sabbath to Sabbath,
all flesh shall come to worship before me,
declares the Lord.
Isaiah 66:23
The prophet Isaiah ends with a clear picture of a restored Jerusalem where God’s people once again gladly worship Him. And in this restoration, the world enters into the celebration, worshiping God wholeheartedly. There is also a refreshing renewal as it is clear this happens as a result of a totally remade universe... what Isaiah calls “the new heavens and the new earth.” In this born again future universe, all will be as it should have been before the Fall in Eden. The world will walk with God.
This verse indicates that this worship will be both universal (“all flesh shall come to worship”) and perpetual (“from new moon to new moon” and “from Sabbath to Sabbath”). God will always be the big story every day and His worship will be the big celebration of each day. There will be no more distractions, no big bad news story dominating the news cycle... no sports idolatry or mindless entertainment filling stadiums and distracting from the glorious focus of pure delight in cheering on the grace of our God! His worship will be fresh, new, powerful, wonderful, and every moment it will always be the delight of all the hearts of all of humanity. We will be doing what are hearts have always wanted and have been created to do... delighting in the worship of the LORD and enjoying Him forever!
The unceasing worship of an infinitely wonderful God and Savior is my glorious future. And even now I may partake of such delights. In Jesus is all the beauty and satisfaction that my soul craves, and so with an old gospel song on my lips, I enter into worship today, anticipating this future of worship in a remade universe set right again.
“I will arise and go to Jesus.
He will embrace me in His arms.
In the arms of my dear Savior...
O, there are ten thousand charms!”